Meet Moonies on their quest to reclaim their place in the universe as they clash with evil Baron Bearon.
The Moonievers space is a very old place, full of intelligent life forms, wonders, and treasures...
There are chases, epic battles, treacherous villains, interplanetary espionage, new technologies, and exploration of mysterious temples and alien races, with the shadow of ancient civilizations and their forgotten knowledge looming in the background.
Meet the Moonies
The main characters of this epic space adventure are the Moonies - personalizations of cryptocurrencies. They are miners Normies that came to be by being in prolonged contact with proper coins, inheriting their names.
September 2021
Collection 1
Browse on OpenseaFebruary 2022
Collection 2
Browse on OpenseaSeptember 2022
Collection 3

Arcade Games
Use your Moonie to play-to-earn in our unique Moonieverse arcade games and compete on weekly leaderboards to win big prizes! Busy schedule? No worries! Participate in our passive gameplay space missions to earn without taking up your precious time, just set and forget!

Moonieverse Race
Test your skills in this fast paced competitive play-to-earn arcade game! Blast off in a rocket and land on the Moon! Be quick, your reaction speed will determine your score! The top players will earn BIG prizes!
Read moreSpace Missions
With Space Missions (Passive Gameplay) you can stake your Moonie NFT and earn passively! Send your Moonie on heroic missions into space exploring vast landscapes and hunting valuable treasure! Adventure into the most dangerous and remote locations of the Moonieverse!
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Upcoming 3D Price Race
Race against other Moonies in this multiplayer action packed 3D competitive play-to-earn arcade game! The fastest racers will earn the biggest rewards! With our smart opponent pairing system you'll spend less time waiting in queues and more time playing!
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Price Race
Board a rocket that matches your OG Moonie and earn prizes along the way, our $100000 Grand Prize winners are selected amongst participants of the winning rocket. The first cryptocurrency to hit their price target wins!
Read More
MoonieNFT introduces the Moonieverse platform, a new and revolutionized NFT play-to-earn platform that enhances your Decentralized Finance (DeFi) experience by offering multiple ways to earn with your NFTs.
And that’s not all; the Moonieverse will also allow you to earn more while farming at the same time. Finally, users can utilize their Moonie NFTs to participate in gamified yield farming. Meaning, every NFT in the Moonieverse is usable.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Moonie?
Moonies are our beloved NFTs and the citizens of the Moonieverse. They're interactive, unique, and highly collectible due to their wide range of functions. Each Moonie grants you access to various activities, including Arcade Games, Passive Games and Price Races.
What is a NFT?
A Non-fungible token (NFT) is a unique digital asset, stored on an unchanging database called a blockchain. NFTs by nature are special due to the fact that they are all one-of-a-kind tokens, unlike the traditional tokens like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Each NFT has its own signature and contract address. This certifies its authenticity, ownership, and uniqueness. Some examples of NFTs include collectables, tickets, and digital art.
When can we mint Moonies?
This project does not require minting. The Moonies are already pre-minted and they are waiting for you inside the Moonchests.
How do I get my own Moonie?
To get your own Moonie you’ll need to get your hands on some Moonie tokens ($MNY) first. Similar to arcade tokens, $MNY tokens are the usable currency on the MoonieNFT platform for all Moonieverse games and activities. You can get $MNY by swapping it on Uniswap or PancakeSwap. Then you use your $MNY to purchase a Moonchest. Open your Moonchest and receive your very own unique Moonie!
Currently, the first collection is sold out. We release a second collection in February 2022.
Where do the Moonies appears after the purchase?
They can be found in My Collection.
Can I buy Moonies with Fiat?
Currently the only way to purchase a Moonie is with $MNY tokens.
Types of Moonies
For starters, MoonieNFT is launching with four types of Moonies: Bitty, Doggie, Ettie, and Normie. The first three, Bitty, Doggie and Ettie, are rare (otherwise known as OG Moonies). In general, 90% of users will get a Normie, and 10% will get other, rarer Moonies. Rarer Moonies will also increase your chances of winning!
In current collection the rare Moonies have a supply of 2000 each (all of them are entirely unique).
You can read more about Moonies here.
How many Moonies are there?
There is an unlimited amount of Normies but their look change with each collection.
In the fist collection, there are 2000 OGs per type (Doggie, Ettie, and Bitty), so 6000 OGs in total.
Currently, we sold out the first collection and we will be introducing a new one in February 2022. In the meantime, visit OpeanSea to get one of the Moonies there.
What is the chance of getting an OG?
In general, 90% of users get a Normie, and 10% get other, rarer Moonies.
What is the rarity of Moonies?
The rarest attributes are opened at roughly 0.5% which means that only 10 Moonie of each type will have it.
Check the detailed rarity here.
What can I do with a Moonie?
You can us them to play Arcade Games (currently Moonieverse Race) and dispatch them on Space Missions. OG Moonies, due to their rarity, can participate in more mission than Normies. They also have special leaderboards for Arcade Games.
How much does one Moonchest cost?
One Moonchest in the first collection cost for an equivalent of 20 USD and they’re all sold out.
The second collection will be introduced in the middle of February 2022 and one Moonchest will be worth the equivalent of 40 USD:
- - 20 USD worth in $MNY tokens
- - 20 USD worth in BNB (half of that amount will be exchanged back to $MNY tokens and burnt → deflation)
Does every chest have a NFT?
Yes, you can draw a Moonie from every Moonchest.
The fees on ETH are too high!
Etherum sometimes can be expensive and we don’t have control over that. We, however, established an official ETH
BSC $MNY token bridge to let you use a cheaper network, BSC.
How many Moonchests can I buy at once?
Due to security reasons and our policy, we have limited it to 20 Moonchests per one transaction. If you want to get more Moonies, you can do that in separate transactions. To the Moooon!
More than 6 hours have passed and I still don’t see my Moonie!
Unfortunately, we have no control over a potential Polygon network lag. If more than 10 hours have passed and the situation hasn't changed, please, contact us on Telegram channel MoonieNFT Technical Support and we'll be happy to help.
I’ve refreshed the website and now I cannot see my transaction.
Don’t worry, you didn’t break the process running in the background anyway, the only thing you’ve done is refreshed the browser. You will get your moonie and if not, visit our Telegram channel MoonieNFT Technical Support to report the issue.
Where do the Moonies appear after the purchase?
They can be found in My Collection.
What are $MNY tokens?
Similar to arcade tokens, $MNY tokens are the usable currency on the MoonieNFT platform for all Moonieverse games and activities.
How can I buy $MNY tokens?
You can get $MNY on Uniswap or PancakeSwap by swapping it for ERC20 / BSC tokens.
Is it possible to somehow get $MNY for free?
Yes, you can win $MNY tokens in various events and competitions that we organize!
Can I exchange my $MNY tokens for a different cryptocurrency?
Yes, $MNY can be exchanged on Uniswap and PancakeSwap.
What are the $MNY Token contract addresses?
You can get $MNY on Uniswap or PancakeSwap by swapping it for ERC20 / BSC tokens.
- - BSC token address: 0xa6f7645ed967faf708a614a2fca8d4790138586f
- - BSC token chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc/pair-explorer/0x3dbc8ca1fd54bd54cf62719a779490209e2bb4ae
- - ETH token address: 0xa6f7645ed967faf708a614a2fca8d4790138586f
- - ETH token chart: https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x175909b959ff608a74b7b0045b3014ab0a4932f4
What will happen to the tokens used to open Moonchests?
Tokens used to open Moonchests go back into our perpetual token flow ecosystem to be used as prizes for leaderboards and other events.
What is your token allocation?
Check the detailed graph here.
Why is there one account with over 90% of all the tokens?
This is a smart contract which holds $MNY Token supply and it’s a Multisig wallet.It releases tokens to the market (circulating supply) gradually as per Tokenomics plan.
LP Staking
How does it work?
Users who are called liquidity providers (LPs) add an equal value of two tokens to a pool to create a market. In exchange for providing the funds, they earn trading fees on transactions that take place in their pool. These are proportional to their share of the total liquidity.
Which assets can I stake?
There are 2 Pools in existence to choose from. One for the Ethereum network with WETH/MNY and the other for Binance Smart Chain with WBNB/MNY.
How big is the reward?
BNB LP Staking portal offers rewards as high as 7,500,000 $MNY per month.
ETH LP Staking portal offers rewards as high as 6,500,000 $MNY per month.
What are the rules?
Moonie will be rewarding WETH/MNY LP and WBNB/MNY LP token stakers with a total of 14,000,000 $MNY Tokens distributed proportionally between all the participants in the first month. The more significant share in the total LPs staked you have, the larger amount of rewards you'll receive. User's rewards will be proportional to the amount staked during the initial period.
- - Rewards per month: 14,000,000 $MNY (ETH: 6,500,000 $MNY; BNB: 7,500,000 $MNY)
- - Rewards per week: 3,500,000 $MNY (ETH: 1,625,000 $MNY; BNB: 1,875,000 $MNY)
You can claim your rewards any time but withdrawal of LP Tokens are subject to an unbounding period. Unbounding restricts you from immediate withdrawals and introduces 7 days of delay between the withdrawal and claim. The unbounding period can be omitted by paying a 10% fee from the deposit. Those fees will be used later on, on buyback and burn of $MNY Tokens. The unbounding period is a crucial element of the gamification mechanisms included in LP Staking.
Walk me through the whole process step by step!
Check the whole process here.
I noticed that the rewards for the BNB stakers are higher than for ETH stakers. Why is the reward pool not split in half?
Rewards vary per chain because of the transaction volumes and the number of holders per chain as well as the observed deposit numbers which clearly favours BNB side.
On ETH LP Staking portal I can use only ETH to add liquidity or I can use USDT / USDC as well?
MNY Token liquidity was added in pair with ETH. Only LP tokens from that pair will be available to be staked on Moonie LP Staking program.
NFT Staking
How can I NFT stake in Moonieverse?
With NFT staking, you are able to earn rewards by placing your Moonie NFT in a stake pool just like any other token. In Moonieverse, placing Moonie in a stake pool takes shape of sending your Moonie to a Space Mission. Watch the introduction video
What are Space Missions?
Space Missions are passive gameplay, which is a part of Play-to-Earn Moonieverse and incorporates NFT staking mechanism.
There are different types of missions dedicated to OGs and Normies - you can choose between different levels of difficulty and various lengths, which are related to your winning chances.
How do I send my Moonie on a mission?
Check the whole process here
How do the percentages work?
Check the extensive explanation here
Does the mission start only after all the slots are filled?
The mission starts as soon as you dispatch a Moonie. The number of slots indicates how many are taken and how many are still available.
Help, I want to send my Moonie on a Space Mission, but there are no free slots. Is there any reservation list?
No, you must trust your instinct, be quick and hope for the best.
What does it mean that I can lose a Moonie (Moonie perishes)?
If your Moonie perishes (the percentage informs you about how probable it is), we remove it from your collection. That also means it's not possible to find it in a Moonchest in the future, it cannot be bought on OpenSea, it's basically gone. Forever. This way we ensure that all the Moonies that survive become really valuable and rare.
Is there a way to avoid losing my Moonie if it fails a Space Mission?
As of now, you have to be emotionally prepared to part ways with your Moonie when participating in the riskier missions. A “rescue your Moonie” feature is planned to be added at a later date, giving you the opportunity to recover your lost Moonie.
When do I get the reward?
Once the time needed for finishing your mission has passed and you managed to win, you get the reward automatically. That amount is not divided between other participants of the mission!
Also, if you dispatched more than one Moonie on the same Mission, each of them gets a reward separately, so if you send 3 Moonies and all of them come back successfully, that means 3 rewards for you!
Can I abort the Space Mission before it ends?
No, once your Moonie is on its way, it’s unstoppable.
Can I send more than 1 Moonie to the same Space Mission?
Yes, if they meet the conditions specified in the selected Space Mission.
Can I repeat the Space Mission?
Yes, your Moonie/address can participate in the missions multiple times.
Can I simultaneously use the same Moonie for Arcade Games and Space Missions?
You can't have your Moonie and eat it too. If you send the same Moonie you use for Arcade Games on a Space Mission, and they fail the mission, you will end up losing the points you earned in Arcade games using that Moonie as well. Definitely not a good idea.
What do you do with the fee?
We burn it. Seriously! We exchange your fee for our tokens, and we get rid of them. This way, we ensure fewer tokens are in the circuit, and their value increases. Hooray!
As of right now, in the spirit of Holidays and all, we don't charge you for sending Moonies on a mission, but soon enough that extra amount will be required to proceed.
Why do I need to have MATIC token?
As staking takes place on Polygon, you need its token - MATIC - to pay the gas fee for the smart contract. Don't worry, the price is very low :)
Below is the instruction from one of our members:
Firstly, you need to know that moving MATIC from an exchange like Crypto.com, Coinbase, Celsius etc., to Metamask, your MATIC is being moved around on the Ethereum Mainnet. It will cost you a lot to move, so it is not recommended.
I recommend starting with BNB.
If using Binance, move BNB to the Metamask Binance Smart Chain. The fee for me was 0.0005 BNB.
With the BNB in your Metamask BSC network, use bridge.orbitchain.io swap the BNB into PBNB. Select from Ethereum to Polygon. The PBNB will end up on the MATIC Network. There was no fee for me, and it cost a bit of gas.
Go to matic.supply for free gas. You'll need some MATIC for gas in the next step.
Now that you have PBNB on the MATIC Network, use quickswap.exchange/#/swap and convert the PBNB into MATIC. You will have to add the PBNB token when doing the swap (0x7e9928aFe96FefB820b85B4CE6597B8F660Fe4F4). My fee was 0.00883445 MATIC for the swap.
There you go. Now you should have MATIC on your Metamask Matic Network.
You can now stake MATIC on AAVE, Beefy,